Spring 2009 Speakers and Presentations
Friday, March 6, 2009
Free Friday Evening Refreshments at 6 PMKeynote Presentation at 7 PM
We Vote, We Make Decisions; Why Can the Outcomes Be So Bad?
Dr. Donald Saari, Distinguished Professor, Mathematics and EconomicsUniversity of California, Irvine
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Lunch will be held from 11:45 AM to 1:45 PMLuncheon Keynote Presentation
Mathematics, Teaching, and Culture
Dr. Robert George Stein, Professor Emeritus, MathematicsCalifornia State University, San Bernardino
Speakers and Presentations Scheduled for Saturday
Battle of the Zero Divisor
Patricia Hale, Charles Hale, Cal Poly Pomona
Language and Mathematics
Richard Ries, Riverside City College, Norco Campus
Funding, Basic Skills Coding, ARCC Data and Why Does It Matter?
Sherri Wilson, Crafton Hills College
Faculty Collaborations for Course Transformations in Developmental Math (FACCTS)
Tom Carey, San Diego State University
Joan Cordova, Orange Coast College
Worms and Weaving: Exploring Spirolaterals and the Designs of the Tellem Weavers
Leah Griffith,
Rio Hondo College
--Making Math Meaningful --
For Future Elementary School Teachers
Judy Kasabian,
El Camino College
MathDL: Portal to Math Applets, News, History, Award-winning Articles, and More
Bruce Yoshiwara,
Pierce College
How Travels in Spain Will Make Me a Better Mathematics Instructor
Janet Mazzarella,
Southwestern College
We Built It,
They Didn't Come...
Lessons for Recruiting and Preparing
Future Mathematics Teachers
Sue Parsons
and Mark Hugen,
Cerritos College
Using the Free Computer Algebra System SAGE
and the MSWord 2007 Math Plugin
to Enhance Calculus Instruction
Peter Jipsen,
Chapman College
Using TI-Nspire Learning Objects to Improve Student Understanding
Wade Ellis,
West Valley College, Emeritus
Reviewing the Basics While Teaching Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
Sherri Messersmith,
College of DuPage,
Glen Ellyn, IL
The Role of Reasoning in Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
Judith Sowder,
San Diego State University
Demonstrating Institutional Effectiveness in Mathematics Education through Benchmarking, Self-Assessment, and Inquiry
Alicia Dowd,
Center for Urban Education, Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California
Reviving Your Students Using CPR
-- Creative Presentations Regularly
Alan Tussy,
Citrus College
Apollonius and Normals to a Parabola
John Thoo,
Yuba College
Guidelines for Assessment & Instruction in Statistics Education
Rod Elsdon,
Chaffey College
Community College Developmental Algebra
and the Calculator
Rick Tunstall,
Texas Instruments,
Educational Technology Consultant
Student Learning and the Learning Environment
Mike Hardie,
AMATYC West VP - Western Nevada College
Public-Key Cryptography
Dick Aufmann,
Palomar College, Emeritus
Technology and a New Teaching Paradigm
Michael Sullivan, III,
Joliet Junior College,
Joliet, Illinois
And the Textbook is ... Free? Introduction to Open Educational Resources
Barbara Illowsky,
DeAnza College