CMC3-South Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference 

March 6-7, 2009


Advance Registration must be postmarked by February 23, 2009


Last:                                               First:                                 M.I.     




Mailing Address:  Street:                                                                                   


City:                                                         State:                     Zip:                      


Preferred Phone: (____)________________  work  home  cell



Please use a separate form for each registrant.  Copy this form freely.



The Friday evening reception/entertainment is free.

Please note here the number in your party who plan to attend the

Friday Evening reception/entertainment:     ________


Registration and Membership:

Attending the conference, annual membership is included:

Advance Registration,

postmarked no later than February 23, 2009                                        $ 90

Lunch included:   

        Vegetarian ______  Non-Vegetarian _____


Late on-site registration (lunch only if available):                              $120    

Not attending the conference, annual membership:                             $ 20

I wish to make a tax deductible contribution to CMC3-South:     $_______                

Total amount included:                                                                             $_______         

Make check payable to CMC3-South

Return advance registration to:                               

Mark Greenhalgh

Fullerton College

321 E. Chapman Ave.

Fullerton, CA, 92832